I decided to use felt because is lightweight, doesn't fray, comes in loads of lovely colors, is durable, is soft and easy to work with, can be sewn, appliqué or glued.
I've made some decorative stitching with embroidery thread, put fronts and backs together and sew them using blanket stitch, before I've closed the outer stitching I've stuffed those birds with some wadding (batting) so they don't look flat.
To put those up I've designed special holder, kind of bird cage looking. I've used for that some mount board, cut the shape (needs loads of hard work this one, it isn't easy to cut complicated shapes out of mount board, you will need very sharp craft knife! and don't cut yourself!) then I've decoupage the shapes with colourful papers.
You can download template for this one that I've designed: just print out this images on A4 paper they should be on the whole page of A4.
Here are couple more mobiles that I've made, if you would like a special template to make your own mobile please contact me, I can design something extraordinary for you for really small fee up to a £2 at most.
Owl baby girl mobile no fuss ready handmade available to purchase through my Etsy store: Owl baby mobile
Thanks for looking! Have fun making your own baby cot mobile!